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5 Simple Tips to get Maximum Productivity & Happiness from your Team

Posted by Suzon Youngkrans on June 02, 2016 in categorySecurity CamerascategoryVideo Technology

5 Simple Tips to get Maximum

Productivity & Happiness from

your Team 

1) Employees are HUMAN – By buy carisoprodol and helping your team  grow and learn through continued training; as well as, ensuring the goals are met- Both sides of the company are winning!  Less stress and burn out.  Keep them growing along with the company.  No one wants to be stagnant, this is human nature.  58% of employees (62% of Millennials and GenX) say that professional development contributes to their job satisfaction (CompTIA). 

2) Encourage PARTICIPATION – By creating a genuine sense that each team member has a say and is contributing in the company they will be energized and your company will be proactive in addressing potential issues.  Ask your team what they believe would improve morale and productivity then consider implementing.  

3)  ASK – Ask each team member separately what you can do for them to make their lives easier?  If you can do it, then do it!  If not, explain why you can’t and ask for another suggestion.  By showing that you want to know and help, they will appreciate it and want to work hard for you in return.  Embrace their Human Xperience (HX) as well as yours.

4) Show VALUE – Use creativity and recognize your staff’s accomplishments.  Watch your surveillance system to catch your employees doing good things. Recognize and give incentives.  Others will want to follow in their steps. Inspire them by letting them know regularly what they bring to the team and the company.  They want to feel proud.  80% of employees say they’re motivated to do their jobs through coercion (LRN).  86% of values-based recognition programs show an increase in worker happiness (SHRM). 51% of employees report they receive "no input" or "input only once in a while" from superiors on how to perform better in their roles (Mercer).

5) Leadership is a PRIVILEGE – Many bosses and owners view employee problems as intrusions.  Use these issues as opportunities to have a deeper connection.  Show compassion and guidance - help out where you can buy soma online usa.  Make sure to express what is expected in return.  41% of employees believe work-life balance is impossible to achieve (Randstad).   

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