Pokémon Go has Become Massively Popular; However, Can Allow for Criminal Mischief
Pokémon Go players are attempting to find Pokémon creatures in real-life surroundings throughout the world. These Pokestops are outdoors and even within geographical locations. Game players are finding themselves in other peoples yards, inside businesses, in and around schools, Universities, hospitals and around landmarks. This new interactive game has caused some unhappy scenes.
Pokémon Go users have reported injuries and accidents related to playing this massively popular Nintendo game that was recently released. When players are intensely watching their screens and not paying attention to where they are walking, riding or even driving bad things can happen.

As temperatures outside increase, crime trends toward a sharp increase as well. There are several possible explanations for this correlation.
5 Simple Tips to get Maximum
Productivity & Happiness from
your Team

1) Employees are HUMAN – By helping your team grow and learn through continued training; as well as, ensuring the goals are met- Both sides of the company are winning! Less stress and burn out. Keep them growing along with the company. No one wants to be stagnant, this is human nature. 58% of employees (62% of Millennials and GenX) say that professional development contributes to their job satisfaction (CompTIA).
Flip the Switch to Improve Profits TODAY!

Top 5 Valuable Tips to Improve Profits
Every business owner wants to improve profits, BUT what are the best practices around profit margins and an increase to your bottom line? If there was a magical formula, every company would be successful. According to Forbes - 8 out of 10 businesses fail. Many small business owners have shared the strategies they find helped them. Here are the Top 5 Valuable Tips to Improve Profits.
Stop stiff arming technology - Margins are fluid. Sometimes the best way to improve profits is to decrease expenditures. This can be done by improving process efficiency and leveraging emerging technologies. Try to find one change each quarter that will help with efficiency, many of the new technologies can add value in the form of improved accuracy and productivity. An asset is often looked at as a liability when in reality the return value far exceeds the immediate expense. This can really pay off!